Turkey’s future lies within the Khilafah State and not the EU

Kamis, 17 November 2011

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As crisis talks are due to start regarding Turkey joining the EU opinion polls from across Europe show a clear opposition to full Turkish membership. In a poll by Sky News over 70% voted no to the question should Turkey be allowed to join the EU? This signals the overwhelming feeling in Europe that Turkey which has a majority Muslim population should not be allowed to join the EU which until now has been made up of only majority Christian populations. In a similar poll carried out in France in 2004 in which the majority of people opposed Turkey joining the EU, 30% of participants objected on the basis of cultural differences. 

The opposition to Turkey joining the EU is without doubt based on the simple fact that it is a Muslim nation, which also includes a great Islamic tradition as it was for many centuries the centre of the Uthmani Khilafah State (Ottoman State). Even though the current Turkish ruling elite have been committed to a secular system, going as far as banning the Hijab in government buildings such as universities it still sits on the sidelines of European politics. The man responsible for shaping the future constitution of the EU former French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing told Le Monde Newspaper in 2002 that Turkey joining the EU would be “the end of the Europe.”

Ever since Turkey committed itself to a secular path it has only seen its international standing wither away. Economically it has suffered greatly due to harsh financial measures introduced by the World Bank which were imposed on Turkey so that it would be permitted to take further loans; this caused the Turkish currency to be devalued. Turkey’s population lacks cohesion as the people find their Islamic values in contrast with the secular system imposed upon them, this was highlighted by the ban on the hijab which was met by fierce resistance.

It has become evident that whatever the Turkish ruling elite does to try and gain acceptance and membership within the EU it finds the door slammed in its face. The future of Turkey lies in the Khilafah State which gave this country glory and honour making it the leading nation in the world for centuries.

“Those who take the unbelievers for guardians rather than believers. Do they seek honor from them? Then surely all honour is for Allah.” (An-Nisa – 139)

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